Daily Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is vital to the health of your mouth and your body in general as health problems in the mouth can spread throughout your system. Getting into a routine of good oral hygiene can be simple and inexpensive to do.
Most of the following daily tips for good oral hygiene involve little time and not much effort.
Keep the bad out: Do your best to avoid the sugary foods and drinks that contribute to the build-up of decay-causing bacteria in your mouth, and the acidic ones that leave a layer of acid on the teeth which can erode the enamel. If you do eat these foods or drink beverages that could cause damage, rinse your mouth with water about half an hour later to clean the mouth and lessen the chance of damage.
Also try to avoid using tobacco products and the consumption of alcohol, both of which have been linked to oral health problems.
Let the good in: Be sure to drink enough water, as plaque tends to build-up more in dry mouths. The water will also keep mouth tissue moist and help your saliva to do its job of removing food debris left in the mouth, and neutralizing acids.
Don’t abuse your teeth: Your teeth work hard for you, chewing and preparing the food you eat before sending it on to complete the digestion process in the body. They are not there to serve as bottle-openers or to tear the top off packets, cut strings or perform any other function but chewing. Chipping a tooth can result in expensive repairs.
Keep your mouth as clean as you can: Give your teeth a two-minute brushing, twice a day, using fluoride toothpaste and a soft to medium brushyou replace every 3 to 4 months. Be gentle and brush correctly, with an up and down motion. Be sure to pay attention to all surfaces, including around the gum line. After one of the brushing sessions, clean carefully between your teeth, using an interdental brush or dental floss.
Be on the lookout: While brushing, be sure to keep your eyes open for any changes in your mouth like swellings, bumps, sores or lesions. If your gums feel sensitive or bleed for no reason, or if you experience pain, ask a dentist at Ironwood Dental for advice.
Don’t forget your tongue: Your tongue can collect a lot of food particles and debris left over from the food you eat, and from its role as a sweeper in cleaning the teeth. Cleaning your tongue once a day with your toothbrush or a special tongue scraper, can help to remove this debris. Work gently from the back of the tongue towards the front, cleaning the brush or scraper after each sweep.
In addition to providing a breeding ground for bacteria, this debris can contribute to the development of halitosis or bad breath, a very embarrassing problem.
Rinse before bed: It’s always a good idea to rinse your mouth with water just before you retire to bed. This leaves your mouth nice and clean while you sleep.
Paying attention to your teeth and mouth every day may not guarantee that you’ll never have another filling in your life, but it will certainly delay or lessen the work you need to have done, and should prolong the life of your teeth.