How Does Invisalign Work?

Let’s get this clear: Do you want to go straight? Are you tired of being crooked? While it’s not always easy to deal with life path choices, when it comes to your teeth, it’s quite possible to set things straight, even if you have an overbite, under bite or gapped or crowded teeth.
If misaligned teeth are your problem, Invisalign could be the thing for you. Invisalign straightens teeth out, close gaps, and corrects overbites or under bites without anyone knowing.
How does it work?
It is a process which starts with finding an experienced Invisalign-trained dentist you like.
At your first consultation, your dentist in Richmond, BC will discuss the process to determine your needs, and assess if Invisalign treatment is the best way to go for you. The next step would be for the doctor to scan your teeth, and create a 3D image of them.
A treatment plan
An exact treatment plan will follow, showing you how your teeth will be moved, and exactly how long it will take. In this way you can preview your new smile, and see if you like the look of it.
A series of almost clear Invisalign custom-made aligners are individually prepared to fit tightly over your teeth. You will wear these aligners for 20-22 hours a day, taking them out only when you eat, or to brush and floss.
In order to increase the amount of movement achieved at different stages during the treatment process, you will need to swop to a new set of aligners every two weeks or so. With each new set, your teeth are gradually moved into position as mapped out by your doctor in your treatment plan.
Progress monitored
Invisalign gradually and gently aligns your teeth. Your teeth can be moved vertically, horizontally, or even be rotated, if necessary. The aligners are engineered to apply the exact amount of force on the exact right place at exactly the right time.
Your doctor will recommend check-ups every six weeks throughout the process, and at every check-up you will see the progress made so far. You may be so thrilled with what’s happening that you want to speed the process up, but take your time, and follow the process recommended by your dentist.
The best option
Typical Invisalign treatments take nine months to a year. Depending on how extensive the treatment is that you need to straighten your teeth, your doctor will advise you as to whether or not Invisalign is the best option, or if you might need traditional braces instead.
Gapped teeth
Gapped teeth can be caused by abnormal growth of the jawbone, or by missing teeth in the surrounding area of the mouth. If teeth are not spaced ideally, it can lead to gum disease.
Overbite can be genetic and is when the top teeth bite over the bottom teeth. It can lead to wear and tear of the lower teeth, and cause pain in the jaw or gum disease.
Under bite
Under bite is when the lower teeth protrude past the front teeth. It is caused by overgrowth of the bottom jaw or undergrowth of the top jaw. It can cause painful jaws and joints.
Open bite
Open bite is usually caused by genetics and occurs when some teeth don’t make physical contact with opposing teeth for a proper bite. It can also be caused by too much thumb sucking. It can make chewing painful and lead to speech impairment.
Crowded teeth
Overcrowded teeth result when there is simply not enough space on the jaw for all the teeth. If this condition is left untreated, it usually gets worse with time, and can cause tooth decay and gum disease.
All these conditions can be treated seamlessly by your cosmetic dentist with Invisalign. Make an appointment today.