Our mission is to provide patients with exceptional dental care in a professional and calm environment...
Regular dental checkups at an early age are vital for the health of your child’s teeth. At your appointment, your dentist will be happy to educate you and your child about brushing, flossing, oral habits, diet, and any supplements that we may recommend. If there is a cavity on a tooth, we can repair it with a white filling or a baby crown.
We are patient with children and you and your child are always welcome to come in for a visit and a tour of the office to familiarize yourself with the surroundings.
Healthy teeth and gums are important at every age and we offer preventative and restorative dentistry to look after your dental health and keep all the family smiling.
Take the first step towards maintaining and improving your family’s dental health – book an appointment at our dental practice in Richmond, BC. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have!