How to Fix Gaps in Teeth

Dental gaps are not viewed the same as they were many years ago. Somehow, they have become somewhat of a fashion statement among many celebrities – especially models. These dental gaps are often expected to last a lifetime so if it is not desired then it is a problem – and for the majority of us, they are more of a nuisance than anything else. Of course, with the advancements in Dentistry nowadays, there are many different ways to fix gaps in teeth.
The procedure you choose would depend on how much you’re willing to spend, over what period of time you would want it to work and, of course, the severity and size of the gap. Some examples of ways to remove a diastema, a space or gap between two teeth, are as follows:
This seems to be the most well-known of all the procedures. This actually involves the bone shape of the mouth, and no matter where the diastema is found, a full-mouth brace is required because all the teeth can shift under the pressure.
There are now Invisalign braces that can be used in less severe cases. A major benefit is the fact that most insurance companies cover the costs of having braces and with all the latest procedures, the pain is reduced.
Dental Implants
An implant is either a fixed or a removable replacement tooth that fits into the gap. This is usually best when the diastema is a full tooth wide. The replacement tooth will be inserted into the gum or bone, and sometimes attached to the surrounding teeth. Dental implants procedure has an extremely high success rate of 98% and is known for its long-lasting benefits. It is, however, slightly more costly than other options.
Dental Bonding
This is the ‘quick-fix’ option. It involves the application of resin to teeth and after a few hours, the resin dries and makes the teeth look as good as new – sometimes even better. It is mainly used for chipped or broken teeth but it can be used to fill a diastema too. It is one of the cheapest options, but it is not the most long-lasting.
Crowns and Veneers
They are very similar and they aim to do the same thing. However, the entire purpose of a crown is to fix the damage done in your mouth. It is a porcelain shell that fits over most of the tooth, unlike the veneers which are just bonded to the front of the tooth, and therefore can fix more issues. Porcelain veneers and crowns are slightly more expensive and take longer than the dental bonding but as a result they last much longer and look very natural.
Now are you convinced that there is more than one way to fix a gap in your teeth? If the idea of braces traumatises you, then there are other ways that the diastema can be fixed. It doesn’t have to take years, and it doesn’t even have to be noticeable. If you would prefer not to be like those models and celebrities making a statement, no need to worry – there are plenty of painless, long lasting procedures that will do away with your gap in no time.